Saturday, September 26, 2009

We had an eventful week! Evan turned seven this week. His actual birthday day was uneventful. Dinner with the maternal grandparents and a couple of presents. We're trying to cut back on the gifts this year. Turns out kids are just as happy with one special present as they are with a cart load. this year it was a skateboard for Evan. Emergency room, here we come!

Actually, that was true and the next day we headed off for the emergency clinic but not because of the skateboard. he actually tripped at school and hit his head on a desk. three stitches just over his left eye. we went to Grace clinic so it was less stressful than the ER but still not good. Jay took Evan while I ran home to get his favorite bear (at his request). The things moms will do. drive 15 minutes in the wrong direction for a stuffed piece of felt! While there I also got juice cups for all the kids. That's when Erin informed me I should worry about my family, not the cups! Thanks, kiddo! Who did you think the cups were for?!

Now maybe Evan'll have a scar to match Erin's which crosses through her left eyebrow. of course she was quick to point out that she had to have 6 stitches! Jay wondered if our kids are being marked! if it happens to another one we may start looking for the hidden meaning!

Today he had his party at Main Event. Bowling with 12 of his friends. It was a good day. I love parties there where "Miss Julie" (not me, the party assistant) took care of everything from rounding up kids, getting hands washed, to cutting the cake and cleaning up. Worth every penny! So that wraps up Evan's birthday week! Now we take down his banner and put up Erin's! Fall birthdays for the E's and spring birthdays for the R's!

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Starting a blog with all my free time!

Well, at this point I figure I don't have enough on my plate already and I tend to get about 5 hours of sleep a night, so why not use that time to blog! Ha! I guess I'll get all the widgets and gadgets figured out as I go but for now, just a starting page.

J2E2R2 comes from when Jay and I first got married. Our initials are exactly the same so my dad called us J2 (J squared). Mostly in written communication, but sometimes in person. Then came Evan - J2+E; then Erin - J2E2; then Ryan - J2E2 + R; and now Reagan - J2E2R2. It's how I sign my cards to my dad and sometimes to other people too. Easier than writing everyone's name out! So there you have it. I guess if we have any more kids we'll have to have 2 more to keep things balanced!