Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holiday fun. Sure it is!

Well, I have realized I am a Thanksgiving Grinch. I don't exactly GET IT. A big meal, a big mess, and then back home groggy and over-stuffed. Invariably, dinner that is scheduled for 12:30 is not served until 1:00. So you have the choice of either eating beforehand and then not being as hungry as you would like, or not eating and then you are starving by the time everything is done.

I can easily tend towards irritation with this situation, especially when trying to appease 4 small children, but this year I reminded myself of my new purpose. My purpose to try and see good in all that is around me. To sit with God and enjoy my time with him throughout every nuance of my life. So with my eyes open to Him, I looked at all the work my mother had done and let go of the fact that it was 30 minutes late. I looked at my beautiful children and let go of the fact that they were fussy and hungry. And to look at my husband and tell myself he is helping by watching the baby even though it LOOKS like he's sleeping on the couch!

Overall, this helped immensely in improving my Thanksgiving mood. And I am thankful for so many things this year, even if turkey isn't one of them!

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